Sarah Margaret Leupen
Teaching Professor in Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences BIOL 467
Postdoctoral fellowship Harvard Medical School 2002
Ph D Northwestern University 1998
BA Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio 1993
Principal Lecturer at UMBC; leads workshops in evidence-based teaching, motivating students, Team-Based Learning, and other topics; interested in best practices for training students to think quantitatively.
Research Interests
I'm interested in seeing an increase in the use of quantitative thinking generally, and mathematical modeling specifically, in undergraduate biology education, particularly in lower-division courses where such methods are rarely employed, and am involved in several projects relating to that. I am also involved in an evaluation of student discourse within teams in the context of Team-Based Learning and other flipped classroom pedagogies, and in the use of collaborative learning in general. For more on research, please see my professional site.
Teaching Interests
I teach Human Physiology, Comparative Animal Physiology, physiology lab, Medical Case Studies, and Nutrition. Every spring, I teach a seminar in the Honors College. This year’s seminar is on the evolutionary biology of exercise. I'm interested in improving STEM education practices locally, nationally and internationally, and conduct training/workshops on a variety of topics in evidence-based teaching. I'm a certified trainer/consultant in a teaching strategy called "Team-Based Learning" that incorporates a lot of best practices; it's a type of flipped-classroom strategy in which students prepare with basic content knowledge outside of class, and then after assuring that they are truly prepared, they work though increasingly complex application problems, in permanent teams, during class time.
Selected Classes
- Fall 2020 BIOL 233 – Nutrition And Health
- BIOL 487 – Medical Case Studies
- BIOL 307 – Human Physiology
- Spring 2020 BIOL 305L – Physiology Laboratory
- HONR 300 – General Honors Seminar: Biology of Obesity
- BIOL 305 – Comp. Animal Physiology
- Spring 2018 BIOL 305L – Physiology Lab
- BIOL 305 – Comparative Animal Physiology
- Fall 2017 BIOL 233 – Nutrition And Health
- BIOL 487 – Medical Case Studies
- BIOL 307 – Human Physiology
Contracts, Fellowships, Grants, and Sponsored Research
Leupen, Sarah M (Supporting). “"Quantitative Reasoning: Measurement & Skills Lab",” Grant Sponsored By: Hrabowski Academic Innovation Fund Award.
Leupen, Sarah M (Co-Principal). ““Modeling as a Pedagogical Tool for the Life Sciences Curriculum”,” Grant Sponsored By: Hrabowski Academic Innovation Fund Award.
Leupen, Sarah M (Principal). “Fulbright Scholar Fellowship,” Fellowship (Funded). Sponsored By: William J. Fulbright Commission, State Department. (Sep 18, 2016 – Jun 18, 2017).
Starz-Gaiano, Michelle (Supporting), Leips, Jeffery W. (Co-Principal), LaCourse, William R. (Co-Principal), Ott, Laura (Supporting), Hodges, Linda (Supporting), Hoffman, Kathleen (Supporting), Leupen, Sarah M. (Supporting), Kephart, Kerrie (Supporting), Jewett, Sarah (Supporting), Kowalewski, Caitlin (Supporting). “Collaborative Research: A Model of Institutional and Community Transformation for Teaching and Learning Quantitative Reasoning in the Biological Sciences (The IUSE Initiative),” Grant (Funded). Sponsored By: NSF. (Oct 1, 2018 – Sep 30, 2023).
Intellectual Contributions
Goolsby-Cole, Cody, Bass, Sarah, Stanwyck, Elizabeth, Leupen, Sarah M., Carpenter, Tara S., Hodges, Linda C. (2023). Issues of Question Equivalence in Online Exam Pools. 4. 52 Journal of College Science Teaching.
Leupen, Sarah M. (2020). Team-Based Learning in STEM and the Health Sciences. Active Learning in College Science: The Case for Evidence-Based Practice Springer Nature.
Leupen, Sarah M., Kephart, Kerrie, Hodges, Linda. (2020). Factors Influencing Quality of Team Discussion: Discourse Analysis in a Undergraduate Team-Based Learning Biology Course. CBE Life Sciences Education.
Whitworth, Karen P., Leupen, Sarah M., Rakes, Christopher R., Bustos, Mauricio. (2018). Interactive computer simulations as pedagogical tools in biology labs. 3. 17 1-11 CBE Life Sciences Education.
Eberlova, Lada, Liska, Vaclav, Hynek, Mirka, Leupen, Sarah M., Haviar, Stanislav, Tonar, Zbynek, Svoboda, Milos. (2017). The use of porcine corrosion casts for teaching human anatomy. 213 67-77 Annals of Anatomy.
Hoffman, Kathleen, Leupen, Sarah M., Dowell, K., Kephart, K., Leips, Jeffery W. (2016). Development and Assessment of Modules to Integrate Quantitative Skills in Introductory Biology Courses. 2. 15 ar14-ar14 Cell Biology Education.
Nanes, Kalman M., Gierasch, Tiffany, Leupen, Sarah M., Cui, Lili, Carpenter, Tara S., Hodges, Linda, Anderson, Eric C. (2015). Using Reading Quizzes in STEM Classes--The What, Why, and How. 1. 45 49-55 Journal of College Science Teaching.
Leupen, Sarah M., Nordbo, Mats. (2009). Effects of Orchidectomy and Testosterone Replacement on GnRH Protein Levels in the male Axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum. Midwest-Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, Delaware, OH
Leupen, Sarah M., Nienaber, Sarah. (2008). GnRH Protein Levels in Atrazine-Treated Axolotls. Impulse.
Leupen, Sarah M., Maley, Abigail, Purwar, Jahnvi. (2006). Pattern of GnRH release in an ambystomid salamander, the axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). Ohio Physiological Society, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio
Leupen, Sarah M. (2003). Heterogeneous Expression of the Potassium-Chloride Cotransporter KCC2 in GnRH Neurons of the Adult Mouse. 144 3031-36 Endocrinology.
Leupen, Sarah M. (2002). Deletion of Exon 6 of the Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase Gene Results in Hypogonadism and Infertility in Mice. 143 2767-74 Endocrinology.
Leupen, Sarah M. (1999). Role of Protein Kinase C (PKC) in Facilitation of Luteinizing Hormone (LH)- Releasing Hormone-Induced LH Surges By Neuropeptide Y (NPY). 140 3682-3687 Endocrinology.
Leupen, Sarah M. (1997). Neuropeptide Y(NPY) Y1- Receptor Stimulation is Required for Physiological Amplification of Preovulatory Luteinizing Hormone Surges. 138 2735-2739 Endocrinology.
Leupen, Sarah M., Thornton, Janice E., Holcomb, Laurie, Kimbrough, Linda. (1997). Effect of Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and NPY Agonists on Lordosis in the Female Guinea Pig. 5(2) 169-177 The Endocrine Journal.
Leupen, Sarah M. (Author & Presenter), Starz-Gaiano, Michelle (Author), Hoffman, Kathleen (Author & Presenter), Williams, Tory (Author). AAC&U Transforming STEM Education Conference. Poster. "Implementation and Assessment of Quantitative Cell Biology Modules As Part of A Multi-Institutional Collaboration," AAC&U. (Nov 3, 2023).
Leupen, Sarah M. SI Happy Hour. Lecture. "Team-Based Learning: Group Work that Works," National Institute on Scientific Teaching. (Feb 5, 2021).
Leupen, Sarah M. Pizza and Pedagogy Series. Keynote/Plenary Address. "How To Write a Good Test," John Hopkins University. (Feb 13, 2020).
Leupen, Sarah M. Team-Based Learning Collaborative Regional Workshop. Other. "Team-Based Learning 101," Team-Based Learning Collaborative. (Sep 21, 2019).
Leupen, Sarah M. Pizza and Pedagogy Series. Keynote/Plenary Address. "The Content Monster: How Less Talking Can Mean More Learning," Johns Hopkins University. (Mar 1, 2019).
Leupen, Sarah M. 18th Annual Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference. Oral Presentation. "What Conditions Create A Great Team Discussion? : Discourse Analysis in a TBL Course.," Team-Based Learning Collaborative. (Mar 1, 2019).
Leupen, Sarah M. Quality of Teaching and Its Evaluation. Keynote/Plenary Address. "Evidence-Based Teaching and the Barriers to Change," Charles University in Prague. (Nov 16, 2016).
Kusmaul, Nancy S., Nanes, Kalman M., O'Brien, Eileen L., Manni, Maria M., Watkins-Lewis, Karen Michelle., Leupen, Sarah M. Provost's Teaching and Learning Symposium. Oral Presentation. "Competency Based Education," UMBC-Faculty Development Center. (Sep 30, 2016).
Steven, Caruso M., Cynthia, Ruth Wagner, Miller, Stephen M., Leupen, Sarah M. UMBC50 A Look Ahead, Explorations in Transformative Research. Other. "Exploring Research in STEM Teaching," University of Maryland Baltimore County. (Apr 20, 2016).
Leupen, Sarah M., Leips, Jeffery W., Hoffman, Kathleen. 2016 Summit for Transforming STEM Teaching in Higher Education. Poster. "Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies," NSF. (Apr 1, 2016).
Leupen, Sarah M. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons Conference. Keynote/Plenary Address. "Beyond Navel Gazing: The Evidence Base for Employing Reflective and Metacognitive Practices in our Teaching," Georgia Southern University. (Mar 31, 2016).
Leupen, Sarah M. 7th Annual Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. Poster. "Inside Out Physiology: This is Happening Inside You Right Now!," Association for the Contemplative Mind in Higher Education. (Oct 1, 2015).
Leips, Jeffery W., Hoffman, Kathleen, Leupen, Sarah M. Departmental Seminar. Seminar. "Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Prociencies,," (Sep 1, 2015).
Leupen, Sarah M. Team-Based Learning in K-12 Education. Seminar. "Team-Based Learning in K-12 Education," McDonogh School. (Jun 22, 2015).
Leupen, Sarah M., Hoffman, Kathleen, Leips, Jeffery W. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Conference. Oral Presentation. "Use of Quantitative Modules in Introductory Biology Courses Improves Quantitative Proficiencies," Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (Jan 1, 2015).
Whitworth, Karen P., Rakes, Christopher R., Leupen, Sarah M., Bustos, Mauricio. Provost's Teaching and Learning Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Poster. "Use of modeling as a pedagogical tool in an undergraduate biology teaching laboratory," (Sep 1, 2014).
Leupen, Sarah M (Author & Presenter). 13th Annual International Conference on Team-Based Learning in Higher Education. Seminar. "The Four-S Experience: Creating Good Applications," Team Based Learning Collaborative. (Mar 8, 2014).
Leupen, Sarah M (Author & Presenter). 13th Annual Conference on Team-Based Learning in Higher Education. Poster. "Positive Outcomes for an Undergraduate Anatomy & Physiology Course Using Team-Based Learning," Team Based Learning Collaborative. (Mar 8, 2014).
Leupen, Sarah M (Author & Presenter). Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Poster. "Use of Modeling as a Pedagogical Tool in an Undergraduate Biology Teaching Laboratory," Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. (Jan 6, 2014).
Leupen, Sarah M (Presenter). Universities at Shady Grove. Oral Presentation. "Team-Based Learning," Universities at Shady Grove. (Nov 5, 2013).
Leupen, Sarah M. (Presenter), Wagner, Cynthia (Presenter). National Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. Oral Presentation. "Team-Based Learning: A Primer," Lilly Conference on College and University Teaching. (Oct 18, 2013).