
Welcome back from Summer, Fall Semester is here!

Office hours are 9:00-4:30

To get in contact send an email to biology@umbc.edu

Department Mission

The UMBC Department of Biological Sciences’ mission is to advance new discoveries across biological disciplines and provide outstanding educational opportunities to diverse populations of undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows.  We aim to transform students’ lives by exposing them to new ideas and experiences, and helping them achieve and grow their potential.  By focusing our energies in classroom and research settings, we innovate education, bolster critical thinking, and advance knowledge. We strive for inclusive excellence in research and teaching, promote innovation in all aspects of our work, and serve our community, especially at the intersection of biological sciences and society.

With more than 35 tenured and tenure-track faculty members and lecturers, UMBC’s Department of Biological Sciences is one of the university’s largest academic departments encompassing a wide breadth of research and teaching.  Research faculty in the Biological Sciences focus on:

      • Cell Biology
      • Computational Biology
      • Developmental Biology & Immunology
      • Evolutionary Biology
      • Molecular Biology & Genetics
      • Neuroscience
      • Plant Biology

The department offers a full complement of baccalaureate and graduate programs leading to B.A., B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees, which are recognized for their emphasis on research, scientific approach, faculty contact, and extensive laboratory offerings. These programs serve to train a broad spectrum of future biologists and researchers, and to prepare students for graduate and professional schools.