| New Internships and Jobs for Science Majors! |
The Career Center is open and ready to support you remotely through our virtual appointments and online resources. To schedule a 1:1 appointment with our Career Specialists or Career Peers, click here. And don't forget to check out our extensive toolkit to meet your major-related and career-based needs!
Please note you MUST have your resume approved by a Career Center staff member to apply to positions posted in UMBCworks. To schedule an appointment, click on "Schedule Appointment" from the UMBCworks homepage or call 410-455-2216.
We are located in Math/Psychology Room 201. Appointments can be made by calling 410-455-2216. We now have online scheduling too!
Please visit our website to find further information: careers.umbc.edu.
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Jobs New Internships and Jobs in Science! |
 | Research Analyst | Maryland Psychiatric Research Center • Catonsville, Maryland, United States | Full-Time - Entry-Level |
 | Physical Scientist | United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) • Multiple Locations | Full-Time - Entry-Level, Full-Time - Experienced |
 | EPIDEMIOLOGIST II | Maryland Department of Health • Baltimore, Maryland, United States | Full-Time - Experienced |
Workshops & Career Fairs Upcoming Events |
Information Sessions Upcoming Information Sessions |