Looking for a minor? Have you considered history?
History is a particularly useful minor for STEM undergraduates:
1.) It rounds out their education and gives them a competitive edge before medical and graduate school admission committees.
2.) It teaches them crucial skills for excelling in their careers: critical thinking, oral communication, and *writing* skills.
3.) The history minor requires only 18 credits and many of the associated courses also count as GEP credits.
4.) We have a history of science program, for which we are currently offering and developing more courses than in prior years. (Current course offerings include “Environmental History,” “History of Medicine,” “Ancient Science and Technology,” “Images of Science and Technology in Cinema and Media,” “Darwinism: The Evolutionary Perspective,” “Medicine and Health Care in China,” “History of Science to 1700,” “History of Science since 1700,” and “Social History of American Medicine.”)
For more information: https://history.umbc.edu/undergraduate-program/minors/
Questions? Contact Ms. Carla Ison ison@umbc.edu.
Courses of interest for Spring:
HIST 369: Darwinism: The Evolutionary Perspective
HIST 411: Public History: History of Public Health
HIST 355: Topics in History: Vikings
HIST 413: American Revolution
Posted: October 29, 2021, 9:49 AM