MBIO 478: Marine and Environmental Biotechnology
Optional major elective for BIOL majors
MBIO 478: Marine & Environmental Biotechnology
Elective 1 option for BIOL BA majors
Column A option for BIOL BS majors
Monday/Wednesday, 10-11:30am, online
This course covers the use of molecular techniques to address questions in marine and environmental sciences, toxicology and sustainability, as well as their use in discovering and developing useful products from marine systems. students will discuss current environmental challenges and will address these issues using molecular tools and management and policy. Representative topics include: bioremediation, discovery of bioproducts from marine organisms, sustainable aquaculture, development of biofuels, and the role of marine microbes in global carbon cycling.
Pre-Requisite: You must complete BIOL 141, BIOL 142, CHEM 101, CHEM 102, CHEM 102L, BIOL 300L and BIOL 302 all with a grade of 'C' or better
See attached flyer for sample syllabus
Posted: November 11, 2021, 2:35 PM