Welcome New Biology Instructors,
Dr. Javier Rivera Guzman and Dr. Jewel Daniel
Please join the Department of Biological Sciences in welcoming two new members of our faculty: Dr. Javier Rivera Guzman and Dr. Jewel Daniel.

Dr. Javier Rivera Guzman will be our new Lecturer with a focus in Cell Biology. Dr. Rivera Guzman received his PhD. from the Department of Microbiology & Immunology at the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Center for Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease. While at UNC, he participated in their Institutional Research and Academic Career Development Award program, which is a combined research and teaching postdoctoral fellowship. As an IRACDA trainee, he taught at to undergraduate colleges in the Chapel Hill area--Meredith College and Johnson D. Smith University--where he taught Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, General Biology, and scientific ethics. This semester, he will be teaching BIOL 300L (Cell Biology Lab) and BIOL 430 (Biological Chemistry).

Dr. Jewel Daniel is a visiting instructor, replacing Dr. Sarah Leupen who is spending the academic year i the Czech Republic on a Fulbright Fellowship. Dr. Daniel graduate Magna cum Laude with a Biology B.S. from the City University of New York and received her Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Virginia Medical Center. She was a postdoctoral fellow in the Johns Hopkins University Department of Pathology and a graduate research assistant in the University of Virginia's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics. Before coming to UMBC, Dr. Daniel was an Adjunct Professor at the Community College of Baltimore County teaching Biology and Chemistry courses. She is teaching BIOL 233 (Nutrition & Health) and BIOL 307 (Human Physiology) this semester.
Welcome to both Dr. Rivera Guzman and Dr. Jewel Daniel! We hope you have a great year!
Posted: September 12, 2016, 8:57 AM