Biology Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain
Take Biology courses during summer in Spain!
Thinking of widening your horizons and experiences through a study abroad stay? The Biological Sciences Department offers a newly-minted Study Abroad opportunity specifically designed for BIOL majors. This UMBC Study Abroad opportunity allows you to experience the wonderful culture of Barcelona (Spain) and improve (or start to develop) your Spanish language skills, while completing Biology major requirements.
The program includes an intensive Spanish language course (transferable into its equivalent SPAN course), the BIOL 316L laboratory elective and the option to enroll in Undergraduate Laboratory/Field Research (BIOL 499). The stay will also feature cultural visits and day trips to emblematic sites in Barcelona, as well as visits to biomedical research centers and the opportunity for research internships.
If you are keen on exploring other cultures while advancing in your major, take advantage of this opportunity. Check the attached flyer and contact Dr. Ivan Erill ( for further information.
Posted: September 28, 2017, 8:36 AM