"Who can I study with?" "I need a tutor"
Book a tutoring appointment on your phone right now!
UMBC's LRC offers free tutoring for All 100- and 200-level courses and some 300-level ones (Chemistry 351, 352; Biology 302, 303).
To see if there’s a tutor available for your course and schedule an appointment, download StudyTree from the App Store.
Your class schedule syncs with the app, and you can book an appointment right now.
What happens in a tutoring session?
All tutoring is done in small group of 3-4 students. Each session is 50-minutes long. During the session, students have an opportunity to practice problems, clarify concepts, prepare for quizzes and tests, and share study strategies.
Are drop-ins possible?
Yes! Come by the LRC (Sherman Hall, B-Wing, Room 345) and if a tutor is available, you will be able to join a session even if you don’t have an appointment.
No tutor for your class?
Fill out the Tutor Request Form. We will contact you if we identify a tutor.
Do you need a weekly appointment?
If you would like to have a recurring appointment with a tutor, email Ira Fabri at fabri@umbc.edu.
Who are LRC Tutors?
All LRC tutors are UMBC students who have taken the class(es) they support and succeeded. They have been recommended by faculty and received formal training.
[Post originally posted on the Learning Resources Center myUMBC page]
Posted: October 25, 2018, 11:03 AM